Hello all! With the off-season now in full effect for the Gateway Grizzlies, some of my blog posts will turn to other topics, with the majority of the non-Grizzlies related posts about my broadcasting ventures in the off-season.

After graduating from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in May 2010 with a degree in Mass Communication and a minor in Speech Communication, I've been fortunate to land numerous different broadcast gigs. My main goal has always been to stay in the St. Louis market and broadcast the entre year...I wanted very little down time. All I've wanted was to get on the air as much as possible. I was hired by Gateway nearly a year ago (October 15th, 2010) and it has been amazing how much my career has taken off since then. I'm getting the chance now to work for Gateway full-time and also call games for Division II McKendree University and Division I SIUE. My schedule is full in the off-season, calling Volleyball, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball and Baseball at the two Universities. Below is the link to the release from the Sportscasters Talent Agency of America, where I'm a client, announcing my newest gig as Women's Basketball PxP Broadcaster at SIUE. STAA President/CEO Jon Chelesnik has been very influential in my career and he contiues to give me great exposure.
Young to call Women's hoops at Division I SIUE

At the age of 23, I'm extremely happy with the direction my career has gone already and I'm excited for what the future holds. Getting the chance to be the Voice of a Minor League Baseball team and call Division I basketball next to my hometown is a dream come true. The same day I graduated from college on a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon in early May at SIUE, my parents had a going away party for me at our home in Waterloo. I left for Fayetteville, North Carolina the next morning, one day after I received my college diploma. I set out to begin my post-college broadcasting career and I had no idea when/if I would ever broadcast close to home again.

Broadcasting jobs are hard to find, let alone anywhere near your hometown or right where you want to be. I'm blessed...I consider myself to be one of the fortunate ones. Everything has fallen into place and worked out better than I could have imaginged. This career can be fast..time flies when you are having fun and doing what you've always dreamed. Now it's time to sit back, enjoy the ride a little more than usual and realize how lucky I am.
I'm not done yet..I still have dreams to accomplish. This business can eat up a young broadcaster really quick. It's demading and challenging, but ever rewarding. I'm back on the call tonight. McKendree-Mid-Continent University Men's Soccer on the Bearcats Sports Network at 6:00, with a 5:45 air time. Right before I go on the air tonight, I'm going to quickly reflect and give thanks for everything that has been given to me. I'm a Gateway Grizzlie, a McKendree Bearcat and now an SIUE Cougar once again!
-Adam Young